Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How Penurious is our Police?

When it comes to taking responsibilities, the Indian administration is world class in demurring and turning away. And Indian Ploice is no exception.

In a recent happening, a man was brutally beaten to death by crushing his head with stones by 6 people near a railway station in Pune and then laid down on the tracks to be chopped off in day light in public. The most exciting part of the story is that even Police was there enjoying the sight. When asked be the people around to do something in that regard, they promptly replied, "A railway line is not in police jurisdiction. Railway Police should stop and catch the criminals."

Yes sir, why would you do anything to stop someone from killing people in public? Was it your family member being brutally murdered? But sir, you would atleast call up the Railway Police and hand them over your criminals, right?

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