Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Think Global Cooling

I dont think I need to mention about the threats to our environment by Global Warming. But here's we can do our bit :-

1. Save Air by
  • Using private vehicles wastes money and pollutes air. Why not make car pools to save both? You will eliminate about 22 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon of gasoline saved
  • Use public transport facilities like buses, if convinient. They are already there messing up the situation. Why do you want to add up to the mess?
  • Use a bicycle for short distances. We often have work nearby - grocery, school, college and so on. Why not use the most trendy means of transport? Saves a lot of fuel and money also
  • We cant do anything to the pollution by Power Stations. Better way, Save Electricity
  • SAVE TREES. Green should be the flavor of all seasons to come now.

2. Save Water/Land by
  • Shut the tap while brushing teeth. A lot of water gets wasted. Whats more, open the tap in low pressure. Even this would save a lot of water
  • A shower wastes a lot of water as compared to bathing by the use of a bucket. So if you still want to use the shower, shut it off when you dont exactly require it (of course while bathing)
  • Buy minimal packaged goods. Choose reusable products over disposable ones. You will be able to eliminate about 1000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year if you cut down your garbage by 25%.

3. Save Electricity by
  • Shut lights and fans when not required. Be it your school, college or work place. Insist others to as well
  • Do not use Air Conditioners as far as possible. Else our kids might not even get to see an AC in times to come
  • Relace Air Conditioners by fans and desert coolers. Quite a good deal, huh?
Did You Know?

According to the World's Health Organization, each year about tens of thousands of people die in the world's major cities due to the breathing in of poor quality air. As many as one billion people around the world are regularly exposed to pollution levels up to 100 times more than WHO guidelines.

We often might reject the thought of contributing to save the environment by saying it wont be enough or adequate if a single person tries to help. Of course it wont be. But what if like me, you also start spreading awareness of such small techniques to save our mother land. I am sure you can think of even more minute and accurate details. Why not spread them for a good cause?

By sharing technologies, experience and resources we can hopefully lower the greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the threat of global climate change.


Dinesh said...

Very nicely written.. These small thing will definitely bring about some big changes in the situation today..
I have earlier scribbled about the issue. You can check out at Save our world

Rushal said...

Thank you, Thats the intention. These things really are under control but we seldom think seriously about them.